MMT 4th Summer School - main graph

MMT 4th Summer School in Poznań

The fourth edition of MMT Summer School in Poznań is intended for economics students, PhD students, practitioners and early-career researchers interested in the Modern Monetary Theory. We provide an international learning environment in which you can learn from the world's leading MMT scholars.

MMT 3rd Summer School in Poznan

MMT 3rd Summer School in Poznań

The third edition of MMT Summer School in Poznań is intended for economics students, PhD students, practitioners and early-career researchers interested in the Modern Monetary Theory. We provide an international learning environment in which you can learn from the world's most reputable MMT scholars.

MMT 2nd Summer School in poznań

MMT 2nd Summer School in Poznań

The second edition of the MMT Summer School in Poznań is intended for economics students, PhD students, practitioners and early-career researchers interested in the Modern Monetary Theory. We provide an international learning environment in which you can learn from the world's most reputable MMT scholars.


Central banks and the weaponization of inflation

Zapraszamy na seminarium Rethinking Economics Gdańsk. 18 stycznia 2022, godz. 18.00...


Gwarancja zatrudnienia – powrót do PRL czy szansa na rozwój?

16 grudnia, 18.00 (MS Temas)


Pamiętajmy o Kaleckim – „Polityczne aspekty pełnego zatrudnienia” Michała Kaleckiego dziś

  Seminarium Rethinking Economics Gdańsk, prof. Jerzy Osiatyński, 22 kwietnia...
